Breaking The MURI Record, Hundreds Of Mothers In Surabaya Gymnastics Sicita At The Heroes Monument

SURABAYA - The East Java PDI-P DPD mobilized 500 people to take part in the Indonesian Love of the Homeland (Sicita) Gymnastics in the courtyard of the Heroes Monument in Surabaya. Sicita's gymnastics title simultaneously with the most participants was to succeed in breaking the MURI (Indonesian Record Museum) record.

Hundreds of cadres and sympathizers of the PDI-P seemed to redden the Tugu Pahlawan field. The crowd, which was dominated by women, seemed very enthusiastic, and moved in unison to Sicita's music.

Sicita's gymnastics music, which consisted of a struggle song and a national anthem, succeeded in burning the spirits of the masses. Not infrequently in several movements, yells were also issued.

At the same time, thousands of PDI-P cadres and sympathizers from 38 regencies/cities throughout East Java also participated in the Sicita gymnastics title.

There are 45 thousand people consisting of party structural elements, starting from the East Java PDI-P DPD, DPC in 38 districts/cities, members of the PDIP DPRD faction, Banteng cadres, sympathizers, as well as the gymnastics community, as well as from other elements.

Secretary of the DPD PDI-P in East Java, Sri Untari Bisowarno, said this simultaneous exercise was to support the efforts of the DPP PDI-P to break the MURI record. At the Heroes Monument, Untari came down and directly guided Sicita's gymnastics. He greeted and expressed his gratitude to all the masses who had attended and contributed to the MURI record-breaking.

"I convey my highest gratitude and respect to all cadres and sympathizers, who have contributed to the Sicita gymnastics to break the MURI record," he said.

The chairman of the PDI-P faction of the East Java DPRD also encouraged the masses, that on May 20 National Awakening Day, East Java was ready to welcome Indonesia's bright future after the Covid-19 pandemic. "Together we are free from the pandemic, from today we welcome Indonesia's brighter future from East Java," he said.

According to him, Sicita is a fitness exercise that simultaneously builds the nation and character building. "The Sicita that we hold today is a sign that East Java is ready to rise from the Covid-19 pandemic," he said.

In addition, said Untari, the seriousness of the East Java PDI-P DPD in the Party's DPP activities is also proof that East Java is not playing games with every order from the Party's DPP. "East Java wants to be an area that has contributed to this MURI record victory with a large number of participants," he said.

He added that the Sicita exercise, which was initiated by the General Chair of the PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri to welcome the 49th Anniversary of the Party, already holds intellectual property rights (HAKI). He is also optimistic that East Java will succeed in winning the Sicita gymnastics competition which was previously held by the DPP PDIP virtually. According to him, in this car prize competition, East Java sent 97 teams.

Of this number, explained Untari, 79 teams entered according to the target time, the rest were late. "Of the 79 teams, eight teams entered the grand final. We are optimistic that we can win the main prize. Participants from East Java may be the biggest team in participating in virtual gymnastics competitions," he added.

Meanwhile, the Sicita Field Coordinator of the East Java PDI-P DPD, Hari Yulianto, revealed that the choice of the Hero Monument as the center location was based on the fact that the Hero Monument is a symbol of East Java. "The Heroes Monument is the center of our location, because it is a symbol of Surabaya and East Java. The Heroes Monument symbolizes the spirit of struggle, so from here we are excited to rise from the pandemic and fight for a more advanced Indonesia," he said.

The man who is also the Deputy Chairman of the East Java PDI-P DPD stated that in gathering the masses, the DPD did not experience any significant obstacles. "To gather the masses, we have no problems, because East Java is our base," he said.