With A Veil, Maria Vania Is More Beautiful And Elegant As A Unifier Of The Nation

JAKARTA - Maria Vania is known as a unifier of the nation because of her beauty and sexiness. When netizens are divided by political choices, Maria Vania is here to unite opinions. No one can deny her beauty.

Now, Maria is widely known as an influencer and sports director. Being a 'body goal' for fellow women, is definitely not an easy thing.

Recently, Maria has given a lot of fitness guidance for Indonesian artists such as Billy Syahputra. Sick of being close, many thought they were dating.

Their closeness also continued when Maria became one of the players in the soap opera Trio Gabut. In this soap opera Maria's appearance changed.

You don't have to always look open, even with long sleeves, Maria Vania still looks beautiful and elegant. Especially with a veil that completes his appearance.

In this soap opera, she plays the role of Yasmin. Her appearance received a lot of praise from netizens when Maria Vania uploaded a photo of her wearing a headscarf. "Yasmin or Vania?" he asked on Instagram @mariavania quoted Friday, May 20.

"Yasmin, it looks cooler," wrote the netizen.

"Mo Yasmin or Vania are both beautiful, my sister," wrote another netizen.