Annual Immigration Of North Sulawesi To Hold Outreach, Collaborate With Village Managers To Participate In Supervising Foreigners

SANGIHE - The Immigration Office Class II Immigration Checkpoint (TPI) Tahuna invites people in Sangihe Regency to participate in supervising the presence of foreign nationals without official documents.

"We really hope for the participation of all citizens to inform the Immigration Office if there are foreigners," said Head of the Information and Communication Technology section of Immigration Catur Febriandi Sutanto in Tahuna, North Sulawesi, Antara, Thursday, May 19.

According to him, Sangihe Islands Regency is an archipelagic area so that it has its own challenges and difficulties in carrying out its supervisory duties requiring community participation.

"We really hope for the participation of the community to help supervise foreigners who come to the village or sub-district," he said.

The Annual Immigration Office will hold socialization, especially community participation in assisting the Immigration Office's duties, especially in the field of supervision of foreigners.

"The plan will be to carry out socialization to the community and village administrators about the role of the community in supervising the presence of foreigners," he said.

He expressed his gratitude for the participation of the community, efforts to trade foreign nationals some time ago could be revealed.

"Thanks to the participation of the community and village administrators, the efforts of trafficking in persons carried out by foreigners have been exposed and are currently being handled by law enforcement officers," he said.