PSI Asks Ustaz Abdul Somad To Introspect After Being Considered An Extremist Lecturer By Singapore

JAKARTA - PSI politician and Ade Armando's attorney, Muannas Alaidid, asked Ustaz Abdul Somad alias UAS to introspect himself with the case that happened to him when he wanted to enter Singapore.

Not only for UAS, this case is a lesson for preachers in the country to pay more attention to the content of their lectures. Instead of still resorting to provocations, he said, preachers should prioritize educative religious lectures.

"The UAS case is clear, it should be a lesson for many parties, especially other preachers to prioritize education and enlightenment, not division. Singapore is a developed and sovereign country, there is no room for hatred, unlike us," said Muannas, quoted from his Twitter account, @muannas_alaidid, Thursday 19 May.

Muannas also encouraged this case not to drag on. According to him, the Singapore government clearly has a strict constitution regarding a person's track record and content.

Therefore, Muannas asked UAS who was labeled an extremist preacher by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Singapore so that he would not be allowed to enter the neighboring country again to be more careful in his actions.

"UAS should be introspective and self-aware," he said.

UAS and his entourage of seven people were barred from entering Singapore upon arrival at Tanah Merah Port on Monday, May 16.

UAS received such treatment because Singapore considered the preacher from North Sumatra to be an extremist who taught segregation. That character is not welcome in multiracial and multi-religious Singapore.

Another reason is that the content of previous UAS lectures about suicide bombings was not tolerated by the Singapore government. As well as the traces of UAS lectures which are considered to often demean adherents of other religions, Ustaz Abdul Somad is not allowed to enter Singapore.