Easing The Use Of Masks, Moeldoko: Don't Be Too Euphoric

JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko reminded the public not to be too euphoric about the easing of the policy on wearing masks in open areas.

"Don't let the health care discipline that we have built so far go to waste. Let's keep it for the sake of our survival," said Moeldoko in a press release in Jakarta, Thursday, May 19, as reported by Antara.

Moeldoko emphasized that the policy of easing wearing masks in open areas should not change people's habits in being aware of the transmission of COVID-19, especially in implementing health protocols.

Even though there is a policy of easing the obligation of masks in open spaces, people still need to be disciplined in wearing masks in closed spaces.

"People also still need to be disciplined in implementing other health procedures, such as washing their hands and keeping their distance," Moeldoko asked.

The COVID-19 pandemic provides positive lessons for the government and society.

From the government side, he said, COVID-19 has made the government make big leaps in improving the resilience of the national health architecture, namely through improvements to health structures in the regions, such as strengthening health centers and Integrated Healthcare Center (posyandu).

Meanwhile, from the community side, according to him, the Indonesian nation finally pays attention and is aware of health, with positive behavior changes in the community who understand that preventing disease is better than treating it.

As is well known, the government has decided to relax the policy on wearing masks in the open, because the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is getting under control.

People can take off their masks when they are active in open spaces that are not crowded with people. However, for activities in closed spaces and public transportation, you must still wear a mask.

In addition, people in the vulnerable category or with symptoms of cough and cold must still wear a mask while on the move.