4 Latest Clarifications From Doddy Sudrajat, Vanessa Angel's Insurance Claim Is Still Intact

JAKARTA - The father of the late Vanessa Angel spoke again after Haji Faisal urged him to provide information about the insurance money that had been disbursed. Haji Faisal asked the share for his grandson, Gala Sky.

The commotion arose because Doddy's ex-wife, Puput, said the money had already been disbursed and was used to buy a car. It seems that this statement made Doddy hot and then made a clarification in front of the media together with Doddy's attorney, Djamaludin Koedoeboen.

When met by the media in Kabayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Wednesday, May 18, Doddy made the following statement.

1. Insurance Has Liquidated Doddy finally confirmed that the Rp 530 million insurance money had indeed been disbursed. However, he did not hold the money. He gave the money to Prof. Bambang, who is called Vanessa's spiritual teacher.

The reason Doddy handed over the money was that it was Prof. Bambang who paid for the insurance. Therefore, Doddy chose to return the money.

2. Will be Set aside for GalaDoddy admits that he is ready to give some of Vanessa Angel's insurance money for Gala. However, Doddy did not mention the amount that would be given to the Gala. The plan is that Doddy will open an account in the names of Gala, Doddy, and Aunt Vanessa. The money in the account is part of his grandson that can be taken when Gala grows up.

3. Gala Similar to Prof. Bambang As a grandfather, Doddy is considered to have no sensitivity to his grandson. Once asked for a DNA test, now Doddy writes Gala like Professor Bambang in a post on Insta Story. He juxtaposes a photo of his grandson with Vanessa Angel's best friend.

Doddy Sudrajat does not deny that there are similarities between his grandson, Gala Sky Andriansyah and Professor Bambang Saputra. Although it is known, the father of the one-year-old boy is Aunt Ardiansyah.

"Since Vanessa's problem in Surabaya, this professor has always been supportive as a brother, a spiritual teacher. So, unfortunately, he cares for my daughter, accompanying her," he said, quoted from Paragram Official, Thursday, May 19.

Because of that kindness, Doddy Sudrajat suspects that Vanessa Angel might hope that her child will be like Bambang Saputra.

"Maybe Vanes used to crave it, right, we don't know. So maybe prayer is because this Prof is dear," said Aunt Ardiansyah's mother-in-law.

Doddy Sudrajat even confidently mentions the similarities in one part of the faces of Gala Sky Andriansyah and Professor Bambang. "From the forehead, right. There are similarities, hahaha," joked Doddy Sudrajat.

4. Move Vanessa Angel's Tomb Seemingly calm and never brought up again, it turns out that Doddy's intention to move Vanessa Angel's grave will still be carried out. Djamaludin Koedoeboen confirmed this at the end of the clarification.

"We emphasize this so that there are no assumptions. That the family will move Vanessa Angel's meal. I will tell you more about the time," he said.