Nadiem Boasts That The Independent Learning Program Creates A Breakthrough In Indonesian Education

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology continues to present a breakthrough in Merdeka Learning and ensures that the community can truly benefit from these programs and policies. “All of us have the right to quality education. That is the goal of Merdeka Learning, which is now our collective movement," said Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim, in Jakarta, Saturday, May 13. The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's YouTube channel, TV Education and Indonesiana.TV. Until now, said Nadiem, there have been 19 episodes of Merdeka Learning that touch various aspects of educational transformation. This is simply to ensure that all Indonesian people feel the freedom to get a proper education. As the first breakthrough which is considered the most essential because it is directly related to efforts to improve the quality of education, namely the National Assessment, Independent Curriculum, Education Report Card. In addition, educational financing assistance such as BOS funds is also a concern. "With this breakthrough, learning in schools is now more focused on essential things, namely literacy, numeracy and character strengthening skills, so that they are much more relevant," said the Minister of Education and Technology. Minister Nadiem explained that the implementation of the Independent Curriculum was an offer or an option. So don't force schools to implement it at all. However, he hopes that educators and school principals see this curriculum from the breadth of its benefits for learning recovery. “We believe that it is the teacher who best understands the needs and potential of their students. Therefore, we give them much greater flexibility to develop learning by prioritizing project-based learning. The Merdeka curriculum puts forward learning that is much more liberating, fun, in-depth, and relevant for students,” said Nadiem. This is because the National Assessment as a substitute for the National Examination, which in 2020 was attended by more than 6.5 million students and 3 million teachers, focuses on the development and improvement of learning outcomes and the school environment. local governments and schools as material for reflection in determining further data-based steps," he added. Talking about improving the quality of education, teachers as the frontline who will determine the direction and future of Indonesian education, have always received serious attention from the government. In addition to presenting a platform for who assist teachers in learning, teaching, and working, the Ministry of Education and Culture also prioritizes the selection of State Civil Apparatus Government Employees with Work Agreements (ASN PPPK) to address the welfare challenges faced by honorary teachers so far. “There are more than 300,000 teachers who have passed selection of ASN PPPK teachers and get a pen much more decent income. We will continue this program to ensure that our teachers get rights commensurate with their service," said the Minister of Education and Culture. equal. Previously, the amount of funds for each student throughout Indonesia was the same, but now it is adjusted to the level of regional costs. With this change in the BOS Compound policy, many schools in frontier, remote, and disadvantaged (3T) areas have experienced a more than doubled increase in operational assistance funds. flexible, so that school needs can be immediately met. This is our effort to ensure that improving the quality of education occurs throughout Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke,” said Nadiem. He said that the enthusiasm of students to learn and achieve their dreams was his biggest inspiration. "One of the most memorable moments of a working visit for me was when the President came into the classroom to talk with the students, and even gave them challenges," he said. Nadiem told about his journey to visit various regions to get feedback on various Kemendikbudristek programs. The enthusiasm of students and students, said Nadiem, encouraged the birth of various breakthroughs in the ministry. One of them is the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program which targets students to continue studying not only on campus but also outside the study program (prodi) and even their home campus. The Minister of Education and Technology believes that, through this breakthrough, graduates from higher education will be much more prepared and trained to face future challenges.

Hundreds of thousands of students from hundreds of campuses throughout Indonesia, he said, have gained valuable experience to study outside their study program and campus in order to prepare themselves for future challenges in the world of work and in the surrounding community. In addition, the existence of MBKM strengthens the research ecosystem in universities so that campuses can continue to produce useful and solution-based innovations. or matching funds. We will match one rupiah given by the industry for a collaborative project with the campus,” he explained. All efforts to prepare our students to become future leaders must be supported by the realization of the campus as a safe and comfortable learning space. This is what prompted the Ministry of Education and Culture to issue Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Permendikbudristek) Number 31 of 2021 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education. campus from sexual violence by prioritizing the perspective of the victim. I am sure that with the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka programs, our university graduates will become the next generation with lifelong learning characters who are ready to lead Indonesia's progress in the future," he said optimistically. the future of all students, educators, and every school in Indonesia can be free to move forward and continue to develop. He added, the journey to realize the ideals of the Freedom of Learning is still very long and requires the mutual cooperation of all parties. for all Indonesian people," said Nadiem.