Police Arrest Fugitive Fishermen Perpetrator Of Persecution With Sharp Weapons In North Sulawesi

MANADO - The Resmob Team of the North Minahasa Police, North Sulawesi Police arrested the alleged perpetrator of the assault using a sharp weapon that occurred in Airmadidi Atas Village on Friday, July 9, 2021, who had been a fugitive for 10 months. As a fisherman, it is suspected that he abused the victim, Cliefford Kowaas, 16 years old," said Head of Public Relations of the North Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Pol. Jules Abraham Abast, in Manado, Friday, May 13. According to Abast, the incident began when the victim was sitting with his friends at a post. in Airmadidi Atas Village. "Suddenly the perpetrator came with his friends and then immediately took out a knife and stabbed him by aiming at the head and legs of the victim," he said, quoted by Antara. on the head and legs, and was rushed to the nearest hospital. Meanwhile, the perpetrator immediately fled from the crime scene or TKP. The victim was then rushed to the GMIM Tonsea Airmadidi General Hospital, North Minahasa. "Based on the results of the interrogation, the perpetrator admitted that the abuse occurred because of a difference of understanding," he concluded.