Accident Rates In Jambi Drop By 79 Percent During Homecoming Flows Until The Return Of Lebaran 2022

JAKARTA - The Directorate of Traffic (Ditlantas) of the Jambi Police noted that the number of traffic accident cases in Jambi during the homecoming and return flow of Lebaran 2022 from April 28 to May 9 2022 experienced a significant decrease of 79 percent.

Jambi Regional Police Director of Traffic, Kombes Pol Dahfi, said that in the same period in 2021 the number of accidents was 43 cases, now there are only nine cases.

"Meanwhile, the number of victims who died due to traffic accidents in the period 29 April-9 May 2022, also decreased by 76 percent or from 17 people who died to only four people," said Dahfi in Jambi, Friday, May 13.

The decrease in the number of traffic accidents, one of which is the existence of a program from the Directorate of Traffic of the Jambi Police to reduce the risk of accidents, especially during the homecoming moment of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah/2022 AD this year by building security posts and repairing damaged roads.

"We have coordinated with relevant stakeholders for a long time to repair roads, install signs, as well as repair road markings along the homecoming route and will also prepare service facilities and public complaints that are easy and can be quickly followed up by officers," he said.

"We will also take firm action by continuing to prioritize a humane attitude towards violations that have the potential to cause traffic accidents, in order to provide a deterrent effect so that at the peak of the homecoming and return flow, traffic flow can be controlled," continued Dahfi.

The Jambi Regional Police Ditlantas also stated that one of the reasons for the decrease in the number of traffic accidents was because there were regulations during the homecoming and return traffic that forbade coal, palm oil and other trucks from crossing in Jambi, except for food trucks or basic necessities, so that the number of accidents was one of the causes. Coal trucks passing through Jambi are declining.

If the truck drivers transporting coal cars and cars transporting goods violate these provisions, his party will take strict action and sanction the revocation of operational permits from the Department of Transportation and the local BPTD.