A Total Of 69 Mass Vehicles Around The Horse Statue Were Confiscated By The Police

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya confiscated a vehicle belonging to a crowd that was abandoned when a demonstration against the Job Creation Law ended in chaos, Tuesday, October 13.

Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Director Director Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said dozens of vehicles belonging to the rioters were transported from the area at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta.

"There are 69 vehicles. We secure the horse around IRTI," Sambodo told reporters, Tuesday, October 13.

Sambodo said, the dozens of vehicles were temporarily stationed at Polda Metro Jaya. Later, those who want to take their vehicle must bring proof of vehicle certificate.

"Yes, they have to bring the vehicle certificate and then show it to the officer," said Sambodo.

But before the owner of the vehicle brings it back, they must first undergo an inspection. The aim is to ensure their involvement in the rioting.

"Later we will also check first to sort out their involvement. In fact, we will even give the vehicle action in the form of a ticket," he said.

From this riot, Polda Metro Jaya arrested 500 rioters during a demonstration against the Job Creation Law in Jakarta. Hundreds of people who were arrested from several places were suspected of being anarcho groups.

"Until now, about 500 people we have arrested include anarchos in the area," said Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Nana Sudjana, to reporters, Tuesday, October 13.

Of the hundreds of rioters who were secured, Nana continued, most of them were students. They are said to have damaged several public facilities.

"The students who they should have learned should not be allowed to participate in this action. (The ones that were damaged) Only a little, yes, only the road divider.