Falling From An Elevator, This Is The Condition Of An Obese Man Weighing 275 Kg

SURABAYA - The condition of Dwi Ariesta Wardhana (38), a fractured leg patient who weighs 275 kilograms, is currently improving and undergoing treatment at the Saiful Anwar Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Malang City, East Java. The doctor who treated Dwi Ariesta, Dr. Agung Riyanto Budi Santoso Sp.OT (K) in Malang City, Wednesday 11 May, said that currently the patient's condition has begun to stabilize and is undergoing treatment in a regular room at Saiful Anwar Hospital. For information, Dwi Ariesta fell from the second floor at his residence in the Puri Kartika Asri Housing Block Q, Arjowinangun Village, Kedungkandang District, Malang City on Saturday 7 May, using a modified freight elevator. When going down to the first floor, the sling or wire connecting the machine to the elevator used by Dwi Ariesta broke. Dwi Ariesta fell from a height of approximately three meters and caused fractures in both legs. The victim evacuation process was carried out by a team from the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) Malang City together with the Malang City Fire Department, which deployed approximately 12 personnel. Dwi Ariesta was then taken to Saiful Anwar Hospital, Malang City for treatment.

Agung explained that when he arrived at the Saiful Anwar Hospital, the patient had an open fracture in his left ankle. Then, fractures in the ankle and right knee. According to him, the hospital has performed emergency surgery on the left ankle which suffered a fracture with an open wound. However, for right knee and ankle surgery, we have to wait for laboratory results related to the patient's diabetes condition. "Because this patient is overweight, we have laboratory observations. It is indicated that there is a problem with diabetes. So we will consult with an internal medicine doctor," he added. , the step of consultation with internal medicine doctors and nutritionists is needed because if the patient has diabetes, it will affect the healing process and tolerance of anesthesia at the time of surgery. "If diabetes, we must think about wound healing and tolerance for anesthesia before taking action. definitive surgery such as plate placement. We will confirm with the internal medicine doctor to evaluate his diabetes status," he said. The plan is that Dwi Ariesta will undergo surgery next week after obtaining approval from the results of consultations with internal medicine and nutrition specialists. The plan is that the operation will be carried out all at once and not in stages.