Central Sulawesi Health Office Prevents The Outbreak Of Mysterious Hepatitis

PALU - The Central Sulawesi Provincial Health Office is taking precautionary measures to prevent mysterious acute hepatitis from infecting residents throughout the province.

"We are coordinating with all health facilities such as hospitals and community health centers (puskesmas) to report if they find anyone who comes for treatment or wants to get health services exposed to hepatitis," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control at the Central Sulawesi Health Office, dr. Jumriani in Palu, Wednesday, May 11. Especially, he continued, residents aged 16 and under. Considering the mysterious acute hepatitis that has caused the death of five people in Indonesia, it infects people under the age of 16.

If found, his party immediately checks the hepatitis sample to the health laboratory of the Central Sulawesi Health Office to determine whether the hepatitis is a mysterious acute hepatitis that spreads and is contagious without an epidemiological process or ordinary hepatitis.

"We have prepared a health laboratory to examine hepatitis samples and prepare a treatment room if it is found that a resident of Central Sulawesi has been exposed to mysterious acute hepatitis," he said, quoted by Antara.

dr. Jumriani said that the treatment of people exposed to mysterious acute hepatitis was no different from people exposed to ordinary hepatitis, such as giving medicine to relieve pain from hepatitis they suffered until they were cured.

For now, he said he had not received reports of any Central Sulawesi residents being exposed to mysterious acute hepatitis.

He said the symptoms of mysterious acute hepatitis are similar to ordinary hepatitis, such as nausea, dizziness, the color of some parts of the body turning yellow as in the eyeballs and skin to loss of consciousness.

"Therefore, I urge the public to remain vigilant, such as wearing masks, washing hands and not exchanging eating utensils because hepatitis is contagious," he added.