Hooray, Bangka Belitung Finally Has No More COVID-19 Patients

JAKARTA - The Bangka Belitung Islands COVID-19 Handling Task Force confirmed that the area now has no more active COVID-19 patients undergoing isolation.

"Thank God, today all patients have recovered from COVID-19," said Secretary of the Babel Islands Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force Micron Antariksa in Pangkalpinang, Wednesday, May 11, quoted from Antara.

Based on the latest data, there are no additional cases of people exposed to COVID-19 or dying from the coronavirus in Bangka Regency, West Bangka, Central Bangka, South Bangka, Belitung, East Belitung, and Pangkalpinang City.

"We are grateful that in the past week there have been no additional cases and this shows that public awareness to always implement prokes and follow the COVID-19 vaccination is getting higher," he said.

According to him, the public's interest and enthusiasm for the COVID-19 vaccine is very high.

"We collaborate between stakeholders and synergize across sectors. The impact is quite large in a joint effort to escape the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic," he said.

He emphasized that even though the COVID-19 vaccination had been given, it did not mean that people who had been vaccinated could ignore health protocols.

"We must not be careless or panic, but must remain vigilant, vigilant and also care. COVID-19 vaccination, then the 6M health protocols (prokes), namely wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, reducing mobility, and avoiding crowds and eating together as well as testing, tracing, and treatment is an inseparable whole series," he said.