PNPM Aru Fund Corruption Convict Finally Arrested

AMBON - Yosias Parinussa was arrested by the Dobo Kejari team, Aru Islands Regency, in Ambon City.

"Yosias was arrested by the prosecutor according to the Supreme Court's decision Number 1677 K/Pid.Sus/2018 dated November 19, 2018 with a prison sentence of 6 years," said Head of Legal Information and Public Relations of the Maluku Prosecutor's Office Wahyudi Kareba in Ambon, reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 10.

The convict was previously also sentenced to pay a fine of Rp. 300 million, subsidiary to 6 months in prison and a replacement money of Rp. 914 million, subsidiary to 2 years in prison.

Two of Yosias' colleagues who had been arrested earlier last month were Sahabudin Belsigaway who was hiding in the Aru Islands Regency and Amandus Ohoiwutun alias Nandy who was arrested in Southeast Maluku Regency.

Meanwhile, Yosias was arrested by the Aru Islands Kejari team in the Mount Nona Lorong area RCTI-SCTV Jalan Pensit RT 4/RW 4 Naherm Hamlet, Amahusu Country, Nusaniwe District (Ambon City).

The arrests were made after receiving information on the whereabouts of the convicts since last week, then the Head of Special Unit for Special Operations, Sisca Taberima and Kasi Datun together with the Head of Subsidy Dik Kejari Dobo were ordered by Kajari to immediately make an arrest.

"With the arrest of Yosias, who has been monitored by the prosecutor's office so far, the three perpetrators in the corruption case of PNPM Mandiri Rural funds in the Aru Islands Regency for the 2011 and 2012 fiscal years, which caused a state financial loss of Rp1,520 billion, have all been secured," said Wahyudi.

In the 2011 and 2012 fiscal years, the Aru Islands Regency received more than IDR 8 billion in Rural PNPM Mandiri funds sourced from the state budget and district budgets.

The budget should be used to procure various types of materials to build various basic infrastructure facilities in 23 villages in 67 sub-districts of North Aru and Central Aru.

The basic infrastructure that must be built includes the construction of docks for boat moorings, rebate roads, and a number of other basic facilities in the villages.

However, the various physical works in the field did not match the budget disbursement carried out by the three defendants, resulting in a state loss of Rp. 3 billion, according to the results of the investigation audit of the RI BPKP for the Maluku Province Representative.

Because some of the PNPM Mandiri Rural funds were deliberately kept by the defendants and used them to enrich themselves.