Judging From The Roots, This Is The Reason Why People Have Envy

JAKARTA - Envy or jealousy is an emotion that occurs when someone wants something that someone else has, be it material, success, or social status. Envy consists of many complex emotional expressions such as longing, feelings of inferiority, ill will toward the envious, resentment, and guilt.

Envy is often caused by dissatisfaction with oneself. In other words, this heart disease occurs when a person believes that having what someone else has will increase his own happiness.

Feelings of envy are categorized as a negative trait. Envy prevents a person from appreciating what he has, and also attracts him to share in the joy of the success of others. Having a bad label, it's no wonder that many people are ashamed to admit that envy is engulfing them.

Envy tends to be caused by internal rather than external factors. You may experience jealousy easily if you have lower self-esteem or believe that you have more flaws than other people. In addition, this feeling is also often experienced by the same people in several respects such as gender, age, social class, education, or occupation. One study published in Goodtherapy on Tuesday, May 10 also found that teens and young adults were more likely to experience jealousy than middle-aged and older adults.

Many people are reluctant to admit that they are envious of others for fear that the emotion may be viewed as socially unacceptable. But like all emotions, envy is a natural and common human experience.

Even though it's considered a potentially harmful negative emotion, envy actually has some positive consequences like motivating, for example. If envy drives a person to achieve and obtain more than others have, then this can be useful in pursuing career or educational success. Likewise, researchers believe envy may have had an evolutionary purpose in that it makes people have desires and ultimately seeks to get what it takes to achieve those desires.

Coping with jealousy with therapy is especially helpful if a person notices that jealous feelings are becoming excessive or causing problems in life. Because the therapist can help understand and manage these feelings effectively.

In addition to seeing a therapist, dealing with these feelings can also be done by exploring self-esteem. Because in many cases, envy can be related to feelings of inadequacy or negative beliefs about yourself.