Piyungan TPST Closes, DLH Bantul Encourages Residents To Do Waste Management Independently

BANTUL - The Environmental Agency of Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, hopes that the community will start managing their waste independently following the peaceful closure of the Piyungan Integrated Waste Management Site (TPST) on Saturday, 7 May.

"So because garbage cannot be disposed of at the Piyungan TPST, how are the community's efforts to manage independently at home, both organic and non-organic," said Head of the Bantul Environment Service (DLH), Ari Budi Nugroho in Bantul, Antara, Monday. , May 9th.

According to him, non-organic waste such as plastic is expected to be sorted according to its type. It would be nice if the sorted waste was processed again into goods that have economic value.

"For organic waste, for those who still have land, a hole can be made and the waste is put into the hole as a temporary solution to address the condition of the Piyungan TPST which is currently closed," he said.

He hopes that the community will manage their waste independently, not only because access to the Piyungan TPST is closed, but so that later it can reduce the volume of waste produced by Bantul Regency before being dumped into the regional TPA managed by the DIY Regional Government.

"The waste that is disposed of to the Piyungan TPST which is managed by the Bantul DLH is approximately 90 to 100 tons per day, but the garbage in Bantul is managed by the private sector, so a total of 170 to 180 tons per day should be disposed of to the Piyungan TPST," he said.

He also said that, in the near future, his party will gather the waste management communities in Bantul to be invited to coordinate and consolidate in response to the condition of the Piyungan TPST which is at full capacity, which has an impact on closing access to the place.

"We invite consolidation related to situations like this, especially since it's happened often, so we have to start improving, it can't just be like this, we have to make efforts starting from the source, including reducing the waste that is disposed of at the Piyungan TPST," he said.