Desiree Tarigan Proves That She Can Succeed Without Hotma Sitompul, Travels Around Paris Happily

JAKARTA - Desiree Tarigan's life after separating from Hotma Sitompul is getting more and more successful. Once admitted that she did not receive a penny from her ex-husband, now Desiree's business is progressing.
To enjoy the fruits of her own labor, Desiree takes a vacation to Paris. He enjoyed the Parisian atmosphere as well as the good food in the city.
"Our happiness is our responsibility, don't blame others if you are not happy... With friends who are always cheerful," Desiree wrote on her Instagram account @mamitoko, quoted Monday, May 9.
Desiree also took the time to take photos at the Eiffel Tower. What's special, she wears red batik which makes her look beautiful.
"Wherever you carry your identity.... Batik is the pride of the Indonesian nation... and mom is proud to be Indonesian...," he wrote.
A year away from Hotma Sitompul, Desiree Tarigan is now a successful culinary entrepreneur, fashion entrepreneur, and also an influencer. Even together with Riete Amalia, Desiree also tried acting through the film Angpau Ameer.