The Volume Of Return Vehicles For Eid 2022 Is Increasing, The Police Will Expand Roads With The One Way Scheme

JAKARTA - The application of traffic engineering for the one-way return flow for Eid 2022 on the Cikampek Utama (Cikatama) KM 70 toll road was directly checked by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo on Saturday, May 7, evening.

Based on the review, General Listyo Sigit said, the volume of vehicles continues to increase until now.

Based on the report, he continued, it is predicted that the number of passing vehicles will reach 160 thousand per hour, and will continue to increase until Sunday, May 8.

"Obviously these numbers are our concern. In Kalikangkung we also see a special increase starting from 15.00, 16.00, 17.00 WIB, the number continues to rise above 5,000. So the trend will have an impact six or seven hours later in the Cikatama area," he said. .

Therefore, regarding the evaluation of the fluctuations in the increase in these figures, the Police will continue to do it together.

With the significant increase in the volume of vehicles, Sigit stated that it is likely that the traffic policy strategy for the one way scheme will be extended in terms of time and roads.

"So there is a possibility that a one-way extension will be carried out," he said.

"Later, the coordination and technical details will be conveyed by the Traffic Headquarters. Because indeed, from the figures we have to add one way time. Especially for one way to reach KM 28 or arrive at KM 3,500 Halim, of course we will see, we will adjust it according to field conditions, " he added.

General Listyo Sigit said that the planned expansion of traffic flow will adapt to the development of the situation on the ground and will be adjusted to the level of backflow density on Saturday 7 May to Sunday 8 May.

"What concerns the police and Jasa Marga colleagues is to monitor, then take coordination steps in the field to evaluate and at the same time adjust the one-way extension," said the former Banten Police Chief.

Furthermore, Sigit also appealed to the public to continue to update the latest information about the traffic engineering strategy policies implemented by the Police to prevent overcrowding and relieve congestion.