National Police Chief Ensures Police Provide Maximum Service In Facing Eid Backflow

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo directly inspected the current situation of the return flow for Eid 2022 and the traffic engineering efforts implemented to break down congestion, at the Halim Km 3+500 Security Post, Jakarta.

The National Police Chief Sigit checked the traffic engineering of the One Way scheme to deal with backflow, which had been implemented since 14.00 WIB, starting from KM 414 of Kalikangkung Toll Road to KM 47 of Cikampek Toll Road, followed by Contraflow to KM 28.

"From the one-way journey, which starts at 14.00 WIB, we can see that the one-way head has entered KM 70 for approximately three to four hours. Then from KM 70 to KM 47, One Way is applied and then KM 47 up to KM 28, Contraflow is applied," said Sigit after conducting the review, quoted from a written statement, Friday, May 6.

Sigit explained that one-way traffic engineering has been implemented since 14.00 WIB today, because the vehicle volume parameter has experienced a significant increase per hour. Thus, the police together with other relevant stakeholders decided to implement a traffic engineering strategy in order to prevent or break down the density of backflows.

"We saw that the entire trip was smooth. And why was the One Way activity carried out from 14.00 WIB, because it was indeed based on the existing parameters or indicators. The density figure has started to increase above 3,700. In fact, there is data within two hours to above 5,000. So like it or not, One Way has to be done," said the former Police Criminal Investigation Officer.

Although it is predicted that the volume of vehicles will continue to increase during the return flow, Sigit ensured that all police personnel have been asked to provide optimal security and service to the community.

All these efforts and strategies, said Sigit, were carried out in order to provide a safe and smooth situation for the people who returned home, after celebrating Eid with their families in their hometowns.

"Of course all members will prepare in the field, and carry out evaluations. So that the reverse flow process, which is currently running. And even from last night everything could run safely and smoothly. We have instructed all members to provide excellent service. maximum for security and backflow services," said the former Banten Police Chief.

The National Police Chief, Sigit emphasized that his party will continue to follow the development of the 2022 Eid backflow, in which the prediction of the peak of the backflow will occur on 6 to 8 May 2022. According to Sigit, several other preparedness and anticipations have also been carefully and calculatedly prepared in case of volume density. vehicle on return.

"The development for the one-way withdrawal of the head from Kalikangkung and the tail later, if the backflow is solid, it will be pulled up to KM 3+500 or at the Halim Toll Gate. If in its development then the density continues to increase, like it or not, we have to break it down, then we will withdraw it. The tail of this One Way arrived at the Semanggi Toll Gate," said Sigit.

On the other hand, Sigit appealed to people who are going to Bandung and the Central Java region to use the alternative routes that have been provided.

There are also alternative routes that can be passed by the community, including the Jagorawi Toll Road through the Ciawi-South Coast route. Then, the Jagorawi Toll Road through Cibubur-Cileungsi-Jonggol-Bandung. And the Kalimalang-Kedung Waringin-Karawang Arterial Road.

"Of course we will follow it, in the last few days. From the existing data, to date, there are approximately 549,000 vehicles that pass into Jakarta. This means that there are still approximately 1.7 million passing through the toll road. And approximately 480,833 that will go through the arteries. So of course the increase in current will continue to occur, "said Sigit.