Meet The Chairman Of PP Muhammadiyah In Yogyakarta, Ganjar Pranowo Discusses National Issues, MSMEs, To Agricultural Politics

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo kept in touch with the Head of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Haedar Nashir at the PP Muhammadiyah office, Jalan Cik Di Tiro, Gondokusuman, Yogyakarta. During the meeting, Ganjar and Haedar discussed various national issues, including the preparations for the Muhammadiyah congress in November 2022.

"Actually, the desire to see Pak Haedar has been around for a long time, but at that time it was still COVID so it was delayed. Yes, almost three months ago. I happened to be in Yogyakarta, I contacted him and Pak Haedar had time. chatting while I was in Yogyakarta with the children," said Ganjar as quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 5.

During the meeting, Ganjar revealed many things that were discussed with Haedar Nasir such as input on the small or micro economy and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), how small businesses should get attention to boost the community's economy.

"Secondly, he talked about agricultural politics, this is interesting, especially food politics because it was conveyed that there was a cooking oil problem that must be resolved, although the appreciation is also good because the government can be firm. That's great," he said.

Related to food politics, Ganjar said that the discussion focused more on how to move the economy with the strength of the nation, especially from Indonesia's own biological children, for example about several agricultural commodities such as onions, soybeans, salt, and others.

"That is a good goal. Finally, of course, whatever must be achieved is the fifth principle of Pancasila, social justice is what must be directed. It requires the participation of all the nation's children so that unity is needed. need to sit together, it's just cool. It was fun chatting, cool," said Ganjar.

Chairman of the Central Java Muhammadiyah Regional Management (PW) Tafsir who accompanied the gathering added that several of the topics discussed in the gathering were firstly related to the national situation, where there was an exchange of views between Haedar Nasir as General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah and Ganjar Pranowo as a government representative.

"The exchange of views was greeting a very cool atmosphere. There was nothing contradicting each other, but there was harmony between these two figures," he said.

According to him, Muhammadiyah's view is very clear regarding the national situation as the General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah has often conveyed, namely that the nation's leader must stand above all groups and the nation's leaders must not side with one group.

"In Pak Haedar's term, the state cannot have sects. The school of leaders is the umbrella for everything. Pak Haedar has written a lot and that is what he conveyed to Pak Ganjar as Governor. That is the most important thing," he explained.

Another point that was discussed between Ganjar and Haedar was related to the preparation of the Muhammadiyah congress. The congress is planned to be held on 18-20 November 2022.

"The second is related to the preparation of the Muhammadiyah congress. How is Central Java, the Governor as the leader of Central Java, ready to support the Muhammadiyah congress. The bottom line is that the two issues are national issues and related to the preparation of the Muhammadiyah congress. The third is gathering because it's still an Eid atmosphere," he said.