Floods In Poso, Central Sulawesi BPBD Moves Quickly To Provide Assistance

POSO – Floods that hit a number of areas in Central Sulawesi require more serious attention. The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Central Sulawesi Province has made rapid actions in handling flooding in a number of villages in Poso Regency.

"We have coordinated with BPBD Poso and dispatched a team to the scene for handling," said Head of Logistics and Emergency Division of Central Sulawesi BPBD Andi Sembiring when met in Palu, Thursday, May 5.

Central Sulawesi BPBD data, as many as four villages in the area were hit by floods due to high rainfall. The first flood occurred in Southeast Pamona District, Poso Regency, Wednesday, May 4 at 20.00 WITA.

Floods caused two villages, namely Korobono Village and Salindu Village, to be submerged in water. A total of 89 families (KK) in the two villages were affected.

The second flood occurred on Thursday, May 5 at around 04.00 WITA in the morning. The flood submerged two villages, namely Kaduwaa Village and Alitupu Village, North Lore District. Central Sulawesi BPBD noted, 269 families were affected by flash floods.

"In Southeast Pamona, the urgent need is the normalization of river water, the Gimpu River and the Korobono River, while in North Lore some residents evacuate and the urgent need for clean water, blankets and normalization of river water in the area," he said.

From BPBD's monitoring, currently the flooding in four villages in the two sub-districts has receded. "The final situation, the water has receded," he explained.

Previously, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of the Palu Meteorological Station said five areas in Central Sulawesi were on alert for floods and landslides caused by high rainfall in these areas.

The five areas are Tolitoli, Buol, Poso, Tojo Unauna, and Banggai regencies.