Deploy 50,268 Personnel, PLN Boss Makes Sure There Is No Reliability Of Electricity During The Lebaran Holiday

JAKARTA - The President Director of PT PLN (Persero), Darmawan Prasodjo expressed his appreciation for the hard work of all parties, so that the electricity supply in the electricity system is spread out during Eid al-Fitr in a safe condition. No power supply interruptions occurred.

To ensure the reliability of electricity continues, the board of directors of PLN is accompanying it by reviewing the field.

Darmawan made a field visit to the Bantul Substation in Yogyakarta. Not only that, Regional Business Director for Java, Madura and Bali (Jamali), Haryanto WS, Regional Business Director for Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua and Nusa Tenggara (Sulmapana), Adi Priyanto, Regional Business Director for Sumatra and Kalimantan (Sumkal), Adi Lumakso, and The Director of Primary Energy, Hartanto Wibowo, is also on standby at several different locations.

"I along with the Board of Directors went down directly to ensure that conditions in the field were completely safe and at the same time gave encouragement to colleagues who were on duty in the field," said Darmawan in a release received in Jakarta, Thursday, May 5.

Darmawan explained, checking the current condition of the electricity system throughout Indonesia continues to ensure that electricity remains on.

"We don't sleep, we don't take holidays, we continue to work hard to keep the electricity on, and people can celebrate this Eid holiday with joy and comfort," said Darmawan.

On that occasion, the Jamali Regional Business Director, Haryanto WS from the Jamali Regional electricity alert location also ensured that the electricity conditions in the region were safe. The Java, Madura and Bali electricity systems have a power capable of reaching 31,702 MW with a peak load of 18,518 MW.

“In the midst of many people celebrating Eid al-Fitr, eating ketupat with their wives and children, staying in touch with family, PLN personnel continue to work, eating ketupat with colleagues in the field. This is all done so that people can enjoy Eid comfortably," said Haryanto.

Furthermore, Sulmapana Regional Business Director, Adi Priyanto also ensures that the regional electricity system is in a safe condition. Sulmapana's electricity has a power capable of reaching 4,724 MW with a peak load of 3,060 MW.

"Alhamdulillah, with the hard work and sincere work of the officers on standby, we can take good care of the electricity service in Sulmapana. We will continue to work to maintain electricity until this standby period ends,” said Adi Priyanto.

Then, Sumkal Regional Business Director, Adi Lumakso reported that electricity during Eid al-Fitr in his region was safe. On the D day, Sumatra's electricity has a power capable of reaching 7,182 Megawatts (MW) with a peak load of 5,333 MW. Meanwhile, Kalimantan has a power capable of reaching 2,464 MW and a peak load of 1,440 MW.

“The electricity conditions in Sumatra and Kalimantan are safe. All officers remain on standby to maintain electrical services to customers so that they remain safe," said Adi Lumakso.

Meanwhile, in terms of generation, the Director of Primary Energy, Hartanto Wibowo, ensures the availability of coal, gas and fuel oil in sufficient conditions to meet the needs during the Idul Fitri standby period.

“All primary energy is sufficient to provide electricity supply during the Eid al-Fitr holiday. The HOP for primary energy, especially coal, is above 15 days," Hartanto explained.

To guard the Lebaran Alert and anticipate the peak of backflow, PLN has prepared a total of 2,982 Electrical Service Security Command Posts with a strength of 50,268 personnel, 147 Homecoming Command Posts, 6,142 vehicles and 2,550 standby supporting equipment in all units.

"This is our point of consolidation for securing electricity supply and services in one surrounding area. The readiness of personnel, vehicles, equipment, is all in ready condition, on and on stand-by status," said Darmawan.

From the service side, PLN has also made a transformation by presenting the PLN Mobile, Yantek Mobile and Virtual Command Center (VCC) applications to support customer service performance. Thanks to this transformation, PLN's services to customers are now simpler, faster, integrated, easier, and can be monitored and controlled in real-time, even customers who make complaints can monitor the work of Yantek officers to completion and communicate with officers. That way, if a disturbance occurs, PLN officers can immediately make a recovery.

“In the past, there was no communication space between PLN and customers. Customers complain where they are confused. If you call, it's not clear what to do next. No one can confirm how it will follow. Now, we provide communication space in a digital system. Customers can contact the technical service officer so that the response is fast, "explained Darmawan.

From the monitoring results, during the Eid al-Fitr holiday, PLN received nearly 3,500 customer reports through the PLN Mobile application. PLN ensures that all these reports can be served and completed properly by officers in the field.

"We made sure we wouldn't sleep if there was still a power cut. We will not go home if there are still problems with customers," said Darmawan.

Not to forget, the President Director of PLN expressed his appreciation and gratitude to all PLN personnel who have worked hard, especially all technical service officers who ensured electrical services to all customers.

"I ask all PLN personnel to continue and keep working, ensuring that the electricity supply and all services can run well. God willing, all the hard work of colleagues will become acts of worship and blessings. Appreciation is also given to the community and media colleagues as well as wishing you a happy Eid. Fitri 1443 H and apologize physically and mentally," said Darmawan.