Prabowo's Safari Series To East Java: Kiai's Prayer To Become President In 2024 Until Governor Khofifah Meets

JAKARTA - The general chairman of the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, met with kiai to the governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa during his visit to East Java. The visit was made in the moment of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri.

During his visit last Tuesday, May 3, Prabowo had a chance to meet with a number of kiai in East Java. The Minister of Defense visited Kiai Achmad Muzakki Syah, the leader of the Jember Al-Qodiri Islamic Boarding School.

He deliberately attended because Kiai Muzakki was reportedly sick. So besides coming to stay in touch as well as visiting.

"I received news that he was unwell but today I am here, thank God he accepted me," Prabowo said in a written statement quoted on Wednesday, May 4.

The former Danjen Kopassus said he would help Kiai Muzakki's treatment to recover. From there, Prabowo then visited the Walisongo Islamic Boarding School in Situbondo, East Java to meet Kiai Kholil As'ad.

Regarding these two meetings, Gerindra Party Secretary General Ahmad Muzani said Kiai Kholil and Kiai Muzakki were longtime friends of Prabowo. In fact, Prabowo has actually wanted to visit both of them for a long time.

It's just that, because he was busy serving as Minister of Defense, the visit was only made at this time in the midst of the Eid al-Fitr momentum.

"Pak Prabowo is planned to stay in touch with scholars and figures in East Java. One of them is Kiai Kholil and Kiai Muzakki, who have always wanted to visit Pak Prabowo," said Muzani.

"(However, ed) Due to his busy schedule as Defense Minister and now is the Eid holiday, Pak Prabowo has finally been able to visit his old friends' places now," he added.

Muzani denied there was any political discussion in the meeting with the religious leaders. Prabowo, he continued, actually received good prayers from his friends so that he would always be healthy and his good intentions to become president could be smoothed out.

"There is no political discussion. The meeting is only limited to halal bi halal and strengthens the relationship between old friends, accompanied by eating together with typical pesantren food such as eggplant pecak and fried fish," explained the Deputy Chair of the MPR RI.

"Earlier, Kyai Kholil and Kyai Muzakki prayed for Pak Prabowo, praying for Pak Prabowo to always be healthy, so that his abilities and good intentions can be smoothed out to become president in the 2024 presidential election," added Muzani.

Talk about agricultural products with Khofifah in Surabaya

In addition to meeting with kiai, Prabowo also briefly met with the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa. The rehearsal was held at the Grahadi Building, Surabaya.

During the meeting, Prabowo and Khofifah wished each other a happy holiday. "Minal Aidin wal Faizin, Mrs. Khofifah," said Prabowo.

"Sorry, Pak Prabowo, please, sir," said Khofifah in the lobby of the Grahadi Building.

(Prabowo when meeting with a number of figures in East Java || Special)

On that occasion, Prabowo, accompanied by Khofifah, saw a photo of the previous governor of East Java. Furthermore, while eating dinner the two had time to discuss.

In the discussion, as stated by Muzani, Khofifah conveyed the success of ten districts in East Java which were able to supply food needs for the eastern part of Indonesia.

In addition, Khofifah also showcased that pineapple is one of the leading agricultural products from East Java. The pineapple fruit comes from superior seeds whose seeds were found from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) and planted on the slopes of Mount Kelud.

"This pineapple is planted from the slopes of Mount Kelud. One of the superior seeds whose seeds were found from the IPB campus," said Muzani.

After the meeting, Prabowo and Khofifah exchanged books. Prabowo gave two of his books, entitled Paradox Indonesia and Military Leadership, which he signed.

Meanwhile, Khofifah gave a book containing the story of her journey and work as the Governor of East Java.