Summoned By The Attorney General's Office As Witness In The Cooking Oil Mafia Case, MAKI Asks Trade Minister Lutfi To Reveal All Data

JAKARTA - The Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI), Boyamin Saiman, responds to the summons of the Minister of Trade, M Lutfi, related to the investigation into the alleged corruption of CPO export licenses that have ensnared 4 people as suspects by the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

According to him, this summons is a bright spot for legal justice in Indonesia in dismantling the cooking oil mafia case. "To make clear regarding the alleged corruption in granting CPO export permits which allegedly did not meet the requirements", said Boyamin in his statement, Tuesday, May 3.

Boyamin also asked Minister Lutfi to provide all the data related to the alleged cooking oil mafia. This is intended to make it easier for the AGO to identify people suspected of playing a case.

"The Minister of Trade is expected to provide all data related to the alleged Cooking Oil or CPO mafia to the Attorney General's Office so that it will be easier for the AGO to investigate it", he said.

"So that the scale can be expanded and the people suspected of playing the role of missing CPO have made cooking oil scarce and expensive", he continued.

For information, the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (JAM-Pidsus) investigators confirmed that they would summon the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi as a witness.

The plan for the summons is related to the investigation into alleged corruption in granting export permits for crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives, including cooking oil.

Then earlier on Tuesday, April 19 Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin appointed the Director-General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade (Dirjen Perdaglu of the Ministry of Trade) Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana (IWW) as a suspect in the case of alleged corruption of crude palm oil (CPO) which caused a shortage of cooking oil.

Apart from IWW, the three other suspects named by the AGO are the Senior Manager of Corporate Affairs of Permata Hijau Group, Stanley MA (SMA), Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia Master Parulian Tumanggor (MPT), and General Manager of General Affairs of PT Musim Mas Picare Togar Sitanggang (PT. ).