Korlantas Polri Normalizes At Km 70 Cikatama To Km 414 Kalikangkung Semarang

JAKARTA - The Korlantas Polri has ended the one-way traffic engineering period from Km 70 GT Cikampek Utama (Cikatama) to Km 414 GT Kalikangkung, Semarang, by enforcing the normalization of traffic flow today.

Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo said that starting at 12.00 WIB, traffic flow from Km 70 GT Cikatama to Km 414 GT Kalikangkung, Semarang was normally two-way.

"At 12.00 WIB, one-way traffic engineering will be closed as well as normalization (two-way normalization)," Dedi told reporters in a press release received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, May 1.

He explained that the normalization was carried out after observing and seeing the condition of the homecoming traffic flow on the toll road sections which had gradually returned to normal on H-1 Eid 2022.

Based on the monitoring of the traffic flow of members in the field from west to east (mudik), monitoring via CCTV both at NTMC and the PJR command center and the results from a digital map of traffic flow and coordination with Jasa Marga that traffic is quite normal and vehicle data coming out of the Cikatama GT towards the Trans Java direction (mudik) under the indicator to carry out traffic engineering, both in contraflow and one way actions.

"When the average hourly crossing of toll roads is below 3,000, it is normal, if 3,000-5,000 contraflow is carried out in several lanes depending on the direction of density and if it is above 5,000 then the engineering is one way. That's the SOP," said Dedi.

Head of Operations Section (Head of Ops) Korlantas Polri Kombes Eddy Djunaedi added that at 12.00 WIB the one-way traffic engineering status ended and was replaced with two-way normalization activities.

"Normalization for a maximum of 2 hours to ensure that all lanes and rest areas are safe," said Eddy.

Based on data from Jasa Marga, the movement of vehicles from D-10 to D-2 Lebaran 2022 (22 -30 April), as many as 1.6 million vehicles left Jabodetabek. This figure is an increase of 19 percent from normal traffic.

This figure is the cumulative number of traffic (traffic) from the four Barrier/Main Toll Gates (GT), namely GT Cikupa (direction Merak), GT Ciawi (direction Puncak), and GT Cikampek Utama and GT Kalihurip Utama (direction Trans Java and Bandung).

The total volume of traffic leaving the Greater Jakarta area rose 19 percent compared to normal traffic for the November 2021 period with a total of 1,354,453 vehicles.

For the distribution of traffic leaving Jabotabek heading to three directions, namely the majority of as many as 864,506 vehicles (53.6 percent) heading east (Trans Java and Bandung), 446,449 vehicles (27.7 percent) heading west (Merak) and 300,980 vehicles ( 18.7 percent) towards the south (Peak).