Anticipating The Peak Of Homecoming, Poris Plawad Terminal Prepares 400 Buses

TANGERANG - Poris Terminal has prepared 400 buses to anticipate the boom in passengers during the peak of the Eid homecoming flow. However, the addition of the fleet is tentative.

Head of Poris Plawad Terminal, Alwien Athena, said that for now his party only prepared 150-200 buses.

"Now it's still normal (the number of buses). In Poris this week around 150 buses. Now the usual increase is up to 200 (buses)," said Alwien when met at Poris Plawad Terminal, Tangerang City, Monday, April 25.

"We have spoken with agents here so that we can anticipate the surge in passengers by preparing the fleet. So on peak days it can be 300-400 units. (So) we'll see," he continued.

On that occasion, Alwien admitted that his position had increased by 100 percent since April 23. The average number of passengers is in the thousands.

"From the previous day, it reached 300-400, today it has reached 1,000, yesterday it was 1,300, so 100 percent is approximately," he concluded.