Subordinates Can Be Threatened With Mutation If They Don't Obey The Langkat Regent's Order To Issue A Plan To Fight The Winds

JAKARTA - The Head of the Langkat Regency Goods/Services Procurement Unit (UKPBJ) Suhardi said there was a threat of mutation by the non-active Langkat Regent issuing a Wind War Plan if his subordinates did not follow his orders.

"The Regent's directive is that there is an accelerated tender program at the beginning of the year. However, then I was told that this project package will still be directed to the village head, that is to Mr. Iskandar. There is also threatening language from Marcos," said Marcos. Suhardi at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor) as reported by Antara, Monday, April 25.

Suhardi was a witness for the Director of CV Nizhami Muara Warin Angin who was charged with bribing the Regent of the Publishing Steps to the Warring Angin Plan in the amount of IDR 572 million in the work on a work package at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office (PUPR) and the Langkat District Education Office in 2021.

Iskandar in question is Iskandar Warin Angin, who is the older brother of the Published Wind War Plan. Iskandar is also the Head of Raja Tengah Village, Kuala District, Langkat Regency and is often referred to as "Pak Kades".

The indictment stated that Terbit as the Regent of Langkat had trusted people, namely Iskandar Warin Angin, Marcos Surya Abdi, Shuhanda Citra, and Isfi Syahfitra, commonly known as the "Kuala Group" to arrange tenders for the procurement of goods and services in Langkat district.

The indictment also explained that around August 2021, at a food stall in front of the Warden Angin Plan, Suhardi, and the Head of the UKPBJ Goods and Services Procurement Sub-Section, Yoki Eka Prianto, asked for Terbit's direction so that the PUPR Service would speed up submitting tender documents to UKPBJ. However, Terbit ordered Suhardi and Yoki to meet Iskandar to take care of the matter.

"After receiving the package documents, I don't know the technical details of the event, because Yoki is the head of the sub-section and with Pak Wahyu Budiman," added Suhardi.

Suhardi said he only directed his subordinates to keep doing their tasks according to the rules.

"The discussion is indeed to win 6 packages. However, I still have diplomacy in front of them, if you are loyal, yes, be loyal. However, that is your decision (Pokja). The consequences for me and the members are heard that someone wants to be transferred, "said Suhardi.

In fact, Yoki Eka Prianto was replaced by Wahyu Budiman because Yoki was considered disloyal and not solid at the ULP Pokja because he did not win seven of the 65 procurement packages that had to be won by the companies that Iskandar had determined.

"Yoki, the head of my sub-section was transferred, after I met with Pak Iskandar, at that time Yoki was considered not solid. I did face the Regent with Pak Sujarno this morning," said Suhardi.

Sujarno in question is Plt. Head of the Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Langkat Regency.

"The regent said he was disappointed and directed him to Mr. Iskandar. One or two days after the decision of the working group, because there were packages that failed, the working group was considered not solid. Then it was announced that there would be a replacement of 3 to 4 people. While the working group has seven personnel, there will not be enough time for us (to hold a tender) at the end of the year," said Suhardi.

After negotiating with Iskandar and his men, it was finally Yoki who was transferred.