Michi Lumin Successfully Makes First Dogecoin Transaction Using Radio, Not Internet

JAKARTA - On April 22, 2022, the first Dogecoin (DOGE) transaction sent via radio transmission with the help of the global Starlink satellite network was successfully carried out. The news was revealed by Dogecoin developer Michi Lumin, who tweeted about the subject on Friday, April 22.

"Hi. [I'm] sleepy again, so not much to say, but just do this, send 4.2069 dogecoins (from BudZ heh) 100 miles (with @tjstebbing and @KBluezr listening on receiver 810 miles away), using only libdogecoin, radio, and eventually forwarded to the mainnet on the other end via Starlink," Lumin tweeted.

Dogecoin is not the first cryptocurrency to be sent over the radio. Concepts like mesh networks, amateur radio equipment, and portable antennas have allowed people to push BTC transactions without internet access.

Sam Patterson, former COO of OB1, explained in 2019 that radio is more peer-to-peer (P2P) than a P2P network built on the web.

“Peer-to-peer networks built on the internet have particular appeal because of the sense of resilience they have without a focal point of failure,” Patterson tweeted on February 15, 2019. “It's a bit misleading: they're really built on multiple computers and relationships across the internet. among them. Not true with radio. Truly comrades.”

Dogecoin (DOGE) transactions sent by Michi Lumin and friends were carried out using HF/LoRaWAN (cheap radio technology) combined with the Starlink satellite network.

“The first dogecoin transaction took place without internet, using Radio Doge. A lot of wow,” wrote a dogecoin supporter last Friday.

“Radio Doge will allow access to dogecoin for people beyond the reach of the internet,” the person added.