Tangerang Regency Government Budgets IDR 38.89 Billion For THR For 17 Thousand ASN And Non ASN Employees, Liquid 25-26 April

TANGERANG - A total of 17 thousand employees, both ASN and non-ASN, within the Tangerang Regency Government will receive the 2022 Eid al-Fitr Holiday Allowance. The Tangerang Regency Government has prepared a budget of Rp 38.89 billion.
Head of the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) of Tangerang Regency, Muhamad Hidayat, explained that the nominal was the total salary of employees in April 2022 with a total of 17 thousand people. They include sub-districts, villages and sub-districts as well as agencies and offices.
"The Tangerang Regency Government will also provide THR to non-ASN such as honorary teachers, drivers and so on. The APBD allocation prepared for THR for ASN and non-ASN in 2022 is IDR 38.89 billion," Hidayat said when confirmed, Saturday, April 23.
He said the amount of the THR budget had not been included in the payment of salaries to the 13 employees. The payment process will be done separately.
"The 13th salary will be paid around June or July," he said.
Hidayat said that the THR budget would be disbursed between April 25 and 26, 2022.
"It will be paid on Monday and Tuesday, April 25 and 26 2022, currently the Perbup has been drafted," he concluded.