Studies Prove, Faces With Smiles Are More Attractive Than Thick Makeup

YOGYAKARTA – A face with a smile is considered an attraction in itself. Studies have shown that even thick makeup can make you look more attractive with a smile.

By smiling, people look healthier and more attractive than having an 'ideal' weight or even wearing heavy makeup. According to a study reported by the Daily Mail, researchers found that people who looked cheerful were judged to have better health than those who looked sad.

This study found a strong relationship between looking healthy and how happy your neutral expression was. People who smile sincerely, according to research findings, also mark health and look glowing. Compared to applying foundation and blush along with mascara, a face without makeup but smiling has a stronger positive effect.

Professor of psychology at Welsh University and expert on facial perception, Dr Alex Jones, said they found scientific evidence that a smile really is the best accessory. He explained, one does not need to do Botox and use the most powerful cream to look happy naturally.

Illustration of a study of smiles (Unsplash/Jake Nackos)

Even more amazing, the effect of smiling increases with age. Adults look younger and healthier when they smile. While older adults will get more benefits, which is much healthier.

Prior to this study, scientists predicted the length of a human's life based on photographs of participants in their youth. Those photographed with genuine smiles lived longer than those with fake smiles or not smiling at all.

Jones adds, this amazing connection relates to an aspect of psychology known as positive influence. With a smile, life will be more optimistic, cheerful, and live a long life. Said Jones, "There's a simple message from this research, looking good doesn't cost anything and there's no need to worry about danger."

Another study published in the journal of the American Psychological Association linked facial expressions and sexual attractiveness. Researchers show pictures of the opposite sex, both men and women. Then participants were asked their initial reaction to sexual attraction based on the expressions they saw. Jessica Tracy, lead author of the study and professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia, said men who smile are perceived as less attractive by women. But for men react differently, they find women who smile really very attractive.

The research team isn't sure why the reactions differ in men and women. But according to Tracy, when people want a long-term relationship will consider the good over sexual attraction.

From the explanation above, a smile can be considered as a decoration that enhances appearance. In addition, a sincere smile also has a positive effect on those around him.