Global Mediacom, Company Owned By Conglomerate Hary Tanoesoedibjo Earns Revenue Of IDR 13.97 Trillion And Profit Of IDR 1.38 Trillion In 2021

JAKARTA - The company from the MNC Group owned by conglomerate Hary Tanoesoedibjo, PT Global Mediacom Tbk (BMTR) posted performance growth in 2021. The company's revenue and profit increased significantly last year.

In BMTR's financial report, quoted on Wednesday, April 20, the company's revenue was recorded at Rp. 13.97 trillion in 2021, an increase of about 15.8 percent compared to the realization in 2020, which was Rp. 12.06 trillion.

Meanwhile, BMTR recorded a direct expense of IDR 7.39 trillion. This is an increase of 19.5 percent from 2020 of IDR 6.18 trillion.

BMTR also recorded a decrease in financial expenses in 2021 to IDR 826 billion, from the previous year in 2020 of IDR 930 billion. Interest income also increased to Rp43 billion, while the previous year Rp32 billion.

Global Mediacom posted a gross profit in 2021 of IDR6.58 trillion, an increase of 12 percent compared to the previous year of IDR5.87 trillion.

Meanwhile, the profit attributable to owners of the parent entity is Rp1.38 trillion, 52.3 percent higher than in 2022 which was Rp912 billion.