Every Foreigner In NTT Will Be Monitored By The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights To The RT/RW Environment

NTT - Foreign nationals (WNA) in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) will receive even closer supervision. The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) NTT has prepared a monitoring mechanism for foreigners in NTT based on the RT/RW level in 22 districts/cities throughout NTT.

This was conveyed by the Head of the Regional Office of the Kemenkumham NTT Marciana Dominika Jone in a coordination meeting with the Special Staff of the Minister of Law and Human Rights for Digital Transformation Fajar BS Lase along with other regional offices which were held virtually or directly in Kupang, Wednesday 20 April.

"Through the Immigration Division, we are designing a monitoring mechanism for foreigners based at the RT/RW level because foreign visits also stay at residents' homes," he said.

He said that under Immigration supervision there was a stipulation that every foreigner staying at the hotel must be reported to the local Immigration Office.

But under conditions on the ground, he said, many foreigners who traveled to NTT did not stay in hotels but in people's homes.

Marciana revealed another condition that occurred in the field when her party was conducting socialization on labor issues and trafficking in persons, namely that the villagers did not know about the existence of foreigners in their village.

"Residents said there were foreigners but they themselves did not know who, what the purpose was, and it was not detected by us," he said.

"Therefore, we are preparing a reporting mechanism based on the lowest level," he continued.

The reporting mechanism regarding the presence of foreigners will be carried out in stages from the village, sub-district, and so on up to the NTT Kemenkumham Regional Office.

Marciana added that with a supervisory mechanism like this, it is hoped that the presence of foreigners can be detected and monitored properly because it involves elements of the government at the lowest level.

He added that his party continues to strive to increase supervision of foreigners in NTT because geographically it is directly adjacent to two countries, namely the sea and land borders with Timor Leste and the sea borders with Australia.

On the other hand, NTT is one of the leading tourist destinations in the country which is open to foreign tourist visits, so supervision needs to be continuously improved.