Febri Diansyah Insinuates That The KPK Is Slow And Loses Its Steps From The AGO To Expose The Cooking Oil Mafia

JAKARTA - Former Spokesman for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Febri Diansyah quipped his former institution which he considered lost ground to the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

When the Attorney General's Office was busy dealing with the cooking oil mafia, said Febri, the KPK was actually brought under scrutiny because its deputy chairman, Lili Pintauli Siregar, was suspected of violating ethics by accepting gratuities in the form of accommodation and tickets for the Mandalika MotoGP. This was conveyed through his Twitter account @febridiansyah.

"When the KPK was in the spotlight regarding the alleged acceptance of leadership gratifications & an internal scandal, the Attorney General's Office announced a corruption investigation into the cooking oil mafia," Febri wrote, quoted on Wednesday, April 20.

"Is the KPK really going to be a thing of the past, forgotten & abandoned?" he added.

The anti-corruption activist then asked the head of the anti-corruption commission to work optimally. This is because this question can only be answered with the achievements shown by the KPK, not through gimmicks.

"This question can only be answered with PERFORMANCE, not a gimmick," he said.

It is known that the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Lili Pintauli Siregar, has been in the spotlight recently. This is because he was reported back to the KPK Supervisory Board after allegedly receiving gratuities from the State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) PT Pertamina (Persero).

In addition, Lili's name was also included in the report related to human rights (HAM) issued by the United States Department of Foreign Affairs. In the English-language report, the former Deputy Chairperson of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) was highlighted for having violated ethics.

This violation occurred because Lili communicated with the litigants at the KPK, namely the former Mayor of Tanjungbalai M Syahrial. As a result of his actions, he was then given a sanction in the form of cutting his basic salary by 40 percent for 12 months.

Meanwhile, the Attorney General's Office has just named four suspects in corruption cases related to the provision of export facilities for crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives. One of them, the Director General (Dirjen) of Foreign Trade (Daglu) of the Ministry of Trade with the initials IWW.

Meanwhile, the other three suspects came from the private sector, namely the senior Manager of Corporate affairs of the Permata Hijau Group with the initials SMA; Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia with the initials MPT; and the General Manager of PT Musim Mas with the initials PT.

The Attorney General's Office said that three suspects from the company had intensively tried to approach the Director General of Trade at the Ministry of Trade IWW to obtain a CPO export permit. In fact, the three are not companies that are entitled to export approval.

As a result of their actions, the suspects have caused losses to the country's economy. In addition, they also make cooking oil expensive and scarce in the country.