Gibran Bans City Government Officials From Holding Eid Open House

SURAKARTA - Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka forbade local officials to hold open houses or the tradition of receiving guests during Eid, considering that the transmission of COVID-19 has not ended.

"Official open houses are not allowed, ASN is not allowed to go to open houses," he said in Solo, Central Java, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 19.

However, if the tradition of receiving guests is for close family then it is allowed.

He also admitted that he would not hold a similar activity at his residence to set an example for other officials.

"I'm not going to hold an open house. I'll just go to the residents later," he said.

Although open houses are prohibited, he said, holding Eid prayers is allowed by implementing health protocols. Including for officials are allowed to attend Eid prayers held around their respective homes.

"Eid prayer please," he said.

Meanwhile, the use of official vehicles for going home is also prohibited. He said all Surakarta City Government ASN official vehicles would be grounded during the 2022 Eid holiday period.

"All will be caged later, so that the place will be arranged. Anyway, official vehicles are not allowed to go home. The rules are clear, we will prepare sanctions if someone violates them," he said.

Related to that, he will also lock up official cars that are used daily.

"Yes, while I will use a private car first," he said.