Bantul Police Arrest 104 Street Crime Perpetrators During 2022

BANTUL - The Bantul Resort Police (Polres), Yogyakarta Special Region Police have arrested as many as 104 street criminals who acted in the district's jurisdiction during 2022 from January to mid-April.

"There are 19 cases of street crime from January to April, with 104 perpetrators we have arrested in the last four months," said Bantul Police Chief AKBP Ihsan in the Socialization of the Joint Circular Letter on the Integrated Movement for the Prevention of Street Crime, quoted by Antara, Monday, April 18.

According to him, when compared to other criminal cases in the same period, the number of street crime cases is lower than 80 cases of theft, then 70 cases of fraud and embezzlement. Only in terms of perpetrators, the number of street crimes is more.

"This is also a case of 19 street crimes, most of which occurred this month (April) and March. During this fasting month, a lot of things happened, only many were arrested, the theft of 80 cases was at most one or two people suspected," he said again.

The police chief said that from the street crime cases that were handled, seven people were killed, because some of the perpetrators of street crimes were arrested before planning to take action, such as brawls between groups with sharp objects.

AKBP Ihsan said, based on the facts unearthed after security and interrogation were carried out, from the age group, the perpetrators aged from 14 to 16 years were 22 people, aged 17 to 19 years were 77 people, while only five were aged 20 years.

According to the Bantul Police Chief, the majority of street crime perpetrators are high school and vocational high school students, although there are some perpetrators who are still in junior high school (SMP).

"This is how it looks like, so this certainly needs to be a common concern, this should not be allowed to continue to happen, it's time for us to have to deal with our 104 children, because when I catch their funny faces," he said.

The police chief said that by being given an anatomical description of crime, complete from who the perpetrator was, where the crime was committed, and what mode, by studying this, at least the principals presented in the socialization would know how to handle it.

"By looking at the picture of the perpetrator of this street crime, it can also be seen that if he wants to graduate, wants an exam, he will leave that behavior, he has metamorphosed to become a good person, no longer wants to do 'klitih', that's why the principal of these schools is rightly presented. " he said.