Menaker: Too Premature To Conclude The Job Creation Bill Is Vulnerable To Layoffs For Workers

JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah stated that the conclusion of the Job Creation Law makes workers vulnerable to termination of employment (PHK) is a premature thing.

"It is premature to conclude hastily that the Job Creation Bill is vulnerable to layoffs for workers or laborers. The Job Creation Bill actually wants to expand the provision of employment and improve the quality of protection for workers or laborers, especially protection for those who experience layoffs through the program. Job Loss Guarantee (JKP), "said Menaker Ida in a statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 6.

According to Ida, in the framework of protecting workers facing layoffs, the Job Creation Bill still regulates provisions regarding the requirements and procedures for layoffs. Apart from that, the law still provides room for trade unions and laborers to fight for the interests of their members who are currently undergoing layoffs.

Cipta Kerja also emphasizes the regulation regarding "processing wages" for workers as long as the layoffs are still in the process of resolving industrial relations disputes until a court decision has permanent legal force (incraht), as mandated by the Constitutional Court Decision No.37 / PUU-IX / 2011.

Therefore, to convince workers and the community of the important points of the Job Creation Law, the government needs to carry out intensive dialogue with various stakeholders, especially elements of labor, such as workers and the business world.

According to Ida, the government needs to take advantage of the network of ministries and related institutions as well as local governments, especially the Manpower Office.

In addition, the government also needs to immediately compile regulations for implementing the Job Creation Law in the form of Government Regulations and other regulations under it, which will involve workers and the business world.

"To ensure that the desired protection from the Job Creation Law can be formulated properly with stakeholders," he said.