Gerindra Doesn't Matter If The Formula E Interpellation Rejection Faction Changes Course

JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD will again schedule a plenary meeting to determine the interpellation of Formula E. The two proposing factions, PDIP and PSI, hope that the seven factions that previously rejected the interpellation will change their attitude to finally support the interpellation.

Responding to this, the Chair of the Gerindra faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Rani Mauliani, emphasized that her party still did not agree that the DPRD's right to ask the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan could be held.

Because, according to Rani, if PDIP and PSI want to know more clearly about the use of the Formula E budget from the APBD, in this case the commitment fee of IDR 560 billion, they can simply go to Anies directly.

"For Gerindra, the position is still the same. We don't participate in the interview, because for us there are so many ways to ask questions. Asking directly to the governor is also legal without having to be exposed to political action," said Rani when contacted, Monday, April 18.

Then, if the other six factions then change their direction to support the Interpellation Formula E can be held in order to achieve a quorum in the plenary meeting to determine the interpellation, Rani admits that there is no problem. Because, he said, it was the right of each faction.

The factions that rejected the previous Interpellation Formula E were Gerindra, Nasdem, Golkar, Democrat, PAN, PKS, and PKB-PPP.

"So if now there are parties that seem to change their direction to agree to the interpellation, it is the right of each faction. If the interests are for their respective parties, yes, it is up to their respective parties to come to the plenary session or not," said Rani. DKI Jakarta Prasetyo Edi Marsudi has decided to hold a Deliberative Body (Bamus) meeting with the agenda of determining the schedule for the plenary meeting to determine the Interpellation of Formula E.

The interpellation proposal process, said Prasetyo, was decided to continue after he was visited by the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD. In addition, he was also decided not to violate ethics by the Honorary Board (BK) of the DKI DPRD for holding an interpellation plenary meeting a few months ago.

"Today I have the Faction Chair and the Faction Secretary (PDIP) to ask questions after the BK examination period is over. So, I will carry it out, I will discuss it as soon as possible. It could be tomorrow, it could be the day after tomorrow," said Prasetyo at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Wednesday. , April 13th.

Although currently the construction of the Formula E circuit is ongoing, and even the asphalting has been completed, this has not stopped PDIP's intention to resume interpellation.

This is because the interpellation is the DPRD's right to ask the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan. In this case, the DPRD will ask Anies for transparency regarding the commitment fee of Rp560 billion disbursed from the DKI Regional Budget, the loan process to Bank DKI, and a feasibility study for the implementation of Formula E.