Head Of MUI Papua: Make The Koran A Guide To Daily Life

PAPUA - Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Papua KH Syaiful Islam Al Payage invites Muslims to use the Koran as a guide for daily life. The first revelation came down at that time in Surah Al Alaq verses 1-5," said Chairman KH Syaiful Islam Al Payage after the commemoration of the Nuzulul Quran at the Baiturrahman Mosque in Biak, Saturday, April 16 evening. as an Apostle. The Prophet Muhammad SAW at that time, said Al Payage, received orders to read and convey Islam and preach to mankind. in the Koran in everyday life," said the chairman of the Papuan MUI, quoted by Antara at Muslim, he continued, is a sign of goodness for the lives of Muslims in the world. He acknowledged that the holy book of the Koran for Muslims was for the first time revealed or revealed by Allah SWT to Prophet Muhammad SAW through the Angel Gabriel.

"In the holy month of Ramadan which is full of blessings and forgiveness, I hope that Muslims will read more and more of the Koran until they are finished (completed 30 juz). People who read the Koran will have a very big reward in front of Allah SWT," he said. Payage invites Muslims in the Regency Biak Numfor can practice the contents and contents of the holy verses of the Koran to always provide a light of peace in the lives of people in the land of Papua which are full of religious tolerance. he said.