Malang Customs And Excise Thwarts Illegal Cigarette Delivery Via Expedition Service

MALANG - The Malang Customs and Excise Service Supervision and Excise Office managed to thwart the shipment of illegal cigarettes using expedition services from the Greater Malang area, East Java. The head of the Malang Customs Office, Gunawan Tri Wibowo, said the disclosure occurred when the intelligence and enforcement team was conducting night patrols. at a number of expedition service offices. "We carry out night patrols by combing expeditions and frequent routes for illegal cigarette shipments," Gunawan was quoted as saying by Antara, Saturday, April 16. In this week's shipping route, Malang Customs and Excise also conducted inspections of three expedition offices in the Greater Malang area. The goods for the action are in the form of Excisable Goods (BKC) for Machine-made Kretek Cigarettes (SKM). From the results of these actions, the Malang Customs and Excise have secured as many as 6,090 packs or the equivalent of 121,800 illegal cigarettes that will be sent outside the Malang Regency area. As a result of the action, it is estimated that the state losses incurred reached Rp. 73 million," he said.

The Malang Customs and Excise team then brought one person under investigation with the initials NAK who was the person in charge of the branch office of the expedition service. Malang Customs and Excise will conduct an inspection of the NAK. Based on the records of the Malang Customs and Excise, the trend of illegally sending cigarettes through courier services has recently occurred frequently. Thus, Malang Customs and Excise strengthens supervision of various courier service companies in the Greater Malang area. This step to strengthen supervision is a form of Malang Customs' commitment in an effort to break the distribution chain of illegal cigarettes. which are not attached with excise stamps. We will take firm action against all forms of violations in the excise sector," he said.