Remember The Tawangmangu SMAN Where The Construction Contractor Was Sprayed By Ganjar Pranowo? Here's The Condition Now

KARANGANYAR - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, returned to inspect the construction of the Tawangmangu Senior High School, Friday, April 15 yesterday. Ganjar wants to make sure that the school construction is going according to plan, after he had previously encountered a number of problems.

Ganjar visited SMAN Tawangmangu at the end of last January. At that time, Ganjar discovered a number of frauds from contractors. One of the most phenomenal is the fake wall made of plywood and Ganjar immediately kicked until it broke.

Three months after the incident, today Ganjar came back. But unfortunately, when Ganjar came, the school gate was locked. There were no officers in sight at the school. So, Ganjar can only see from the road in front of the school, with a distance of about 20 meters.

Even from a distance, Ganjar can already see the changes from when he was inspected last January. According to him, the condition of the school is better now and looks more beautiful.

"After I reviewed it some time ago, it turns out that the results are now better. Every day the control is carried out and of course many changes are made from both supervisors and contractors," said Ganjar.

He saw the pasted bricks, which were not neat at first, were now more presentable and shiny. He also received a report that the details he found problematic during the inspection last January had been corrected.

"Several reports have come to me. Not the top part that was originally messy has now been trimmed, the pasting stone has been given a coating. So it is better. Everything is corrected so that the work is neater," he said.

Ganjar appreciates the good faith of the contractor who immediately followed up on Ganjar's findings and made improvements. He hopes that repairs will also be made to the details of the building.

"I see, at least it's good what the good intentions of the supervisors and contractors are. So now it's starting to look beautiful. Hopefully it can be occupied soon," he concluded.