Millionaire Prime Trading Robot Turns Hundreds Of Members Reported To The Criminal Investigation Police, Victims Of Rp31.6 Billion Loss Claims

JAKARTA - Victims of the Millionaire Prime trading robot reported allegations of fraudulent investment fraud to the Criminal Investigation Department of the Police. In this case, the victim claims a loss of up to IDR 31.6 billion.

"LQ Indonesia Law Firm came to Bareskrim to report the case of the Millionaire Prime trading robot. It was suspected that they had committed fraud and embezzlement of funds from investors from approximately 114 people. Their total loss was around Rp. 30.6 billion," said the attorney. victim law, Franziska Martha Ratu told reporters, Thursday, April 14.

In the report to the Criminal Investigation Department, there were two whistleblowers namely, PT Foxtride Cakrawala Dunia and PT Master Millionaire Prime.

In this fraudulent investment mode, the reported parties offer huge profits of up to 25 to 35 percent. In fact, it claims to have obtained a permit from the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"Offering various benefits, depending on the member's deposit," he said.

In that report, the complainant has included a number of evidences to the investigators. One of them is proof of transfer.

The report is registered under the number: STTL/205/IV/2022/BARESKRIM. The report was received on April 14, 2022.

The two reported parties were reported under Article 372 of the Criminal Code, Article 378 of the Criminal Code regarding fraud in conjunction with Article 55 and the crime of money laundering (TPPU).