70-80 Million People Predicted To Go Home For Eid 2022, Vice President: Be Careful, The Pandemic Has Not Disappeared

JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin appealed to the public to be careful of the transmission of COVID-19 when going home for Eid while still implementing strict health protocols.

"For this year, the government will give leeway to allow people to go home for Eid. However, because the pandemic has not gone away, the public must remain careful," the Vice President said in an official statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 14.

He said that it was important for travelers to be careful in order to prevent transmission of the virus to their families back home, so that it is hoped that after Lebaran there will be no more spikes in COVID-19 cases.

"From various estimates, between 70-80 million people go home. Now, the public should be careful because they return home to the area where there are parents, sick people and children," he urged. especially when going home for Eid..

"That's why we are asked to always take care of ourselves by carrying out health protocols and also vaccinations, yes, it has to be two or even three to boosters," he asked.

The vice president said that the current government continues to focus on efforts to restore the national economy and increase community productivity. He is optimistic that the COVID-19 pandemic with all its effects will soon pass.