Preparations For Homecoming 2022 Are Finalized, The Issue Of Potential Explosions In COVID-19 Cases Is One Of The Discussions

JAKARTA - The National Police held a coordination meeting to discuss all preparations for the 2022 Eid Mudik. Starting from securing and escorting the homecoming flow, to distributing BLT, as well as accelerating booster vaccinations.

The coordination meeting was chaired by the National Police Chief, General Police Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy, the Minister of Home Affairs, Tito Karnavian, Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, Minister of Health, Budi G Sadikin, Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi, Minister of PUPR, Basoeki Hadimoeljono, and representatives from the Indonesian Armed Forces attended.

This meeting was also attended by several relevant ministries and institutions including the head of the BMKG, the head of BNPB, the president director of PT Pertamina, and the head of the TNI General Staff, as well as all regional police chiefs throughout Indonesia. The meeting was broadcast via streaming via the Police's YouTube TV channel.

Listyo said security and escort for the 2022 homecoming can be carried out optimally so that people can go home but the rate of COVID-19 cases can be controlled. This is reflected in the experience of two years ago when going home was limited but the number of COVID-19 cases increased when a wave of Delta and Omicron variants hit Indonesia.

He hopes that this will not happen again so that the implementation of a booster vaccine with a target of 50 percent before Eid can be realized. And what is no less important is that the use of the Peduli Protect application must be optimized.

"We need to be vigilant, our hope is for a booster (vaccine) until April 25 to reach 50 percent", General Listyo said, Thursday, April 14.

The National Police Chief also emphasized the availability of necessities to fuel. Regarding the availability of fuel, based on the results of a joint meeting with the Ministry of SOEs and the main director of PT Pertamina, the availability of stock and supply is sufficient for a fairly long time.

It just needs supervision, because there is a disparity in the price of fuel, especially subsidized diesel with diesel for industry, which causes industry players to take subsidized diesel at gas stations whose designation should be for the community.

To ensure the availability of fuel, he said, the police enforce the rules and laws, it is recorded that there are currently 117 suspects out of 81 cases of fuel abuse that occurred in several areas.

He also conveyed that regarding the regulation of traffic flow when going home and back for Lebaran 2022. Several strategies were prepared, including the deployment of personnel, the establishment of security posts, service posts, and integrated posts. Each post is also prepared for vaccination services to realize the 50 percent booster vaccination target.

This vaccination is important, he said, especially for the elderly, because the purpose of going home is to meet with relatives, family, and parents. So vaccination is important to suppress the fatality of COVID-19.

"Our efforts are pursuing, homecoming visits to visit parents, eldest relatives, then the elderly vaccination target of 70 percent is the target to reduce the fatality rate", he said.

In anticipating traffic jams, he also mentioned that his staff had mapped out areas prone to traffic jams. At that location, a regulatory strategy was applied to prevent traffic jams that could hamper community activities carrying out homecoming.

Among other things, enforce odd-even on toll roads, and arterial routes (outside toll roads). With the restrictions on the flow of traffic, he asked the ranks to socialize so that people can adjust their departure schedules for a smooth trip.

Until now, the meeting is still ongoing, each minister conveys explanations related to the preparations that have been made to face the 2022 Eid homecoming.