Police Arrest Ex-Girlfriend Pornographic Content Spreader On Facebook

AMBON - The Cyber Crime Team of the Maluku Police Ditreskrimsus arrested YR alias Yoel, a pornography suspect for allegedly spreading pornographic content from his ex-girlfriend on social media Facebook. "The perpetrator was arrested at his home," said Head of Public Relations of the Maluku Police, Kombes M. , Wednesday, April 13th.

The 26-year-old youth was arrested for allegedly spreading pornographic content from his ex-lover with the initials MFS to social media Facebook using three fake accounts. It is strongly suspected that Yoel took the action due to heartache. "The perpetrator's motive was because he felt hurt because he was abused by the victim, then he was cut off and blocked from his ex-girlfriend's contact," said Roem. Roem explained that the circulation of pornographic content of the victim made MFS feel ashamed and angry. . The victim then reported the case to the police.

The victim and the suspect themselves are known to have been in close contact or dating since 2018. The victim then left for Makassar to continue his studies and their relationship took place through communication via telephone and video calls.

"During long-distance relationships, the suspect often asks the victim to send his photo and VCS (video call sex-Red). The suspect always takes screenshots of the VCS call," he explained.

The relationship between the victim and the suspect began to drift apart in 2021. The victim ended his relationship with the suspect. Feeling hurt, in March 2021 the suspect began threatening to spread pornographic content of the victim via WhatsApp.

Furthermore, when the suspect was in Fakfak, West Papua, in July 2021, he created a fake account in the name of Namlea Tuhaha. This account uses the victim's profile photo.

"One month later the suspect changed the name of the account with the full name of the victim. The suspect then made a post with statuses that defame the victim," he explained.

Because he did not accept it, the victim immediately reported the suspect to the Fakfak Resort Police, West Papua Regional Police, on September 28, 2021.

"When receiving the report, the suspect was detained by the local police," added Rum.

During detention 1x24 hours, the suspect was then released. This is because the victim and the witnesses only arrived in Fakfak one month later.

"The victims and witnesses were only taken for their statements on October 28, 2021. Meanwhile, Fakfak Police investigators were unable to secure the reported party for more than 1x24 hours and were only required to report," he explained.

During the mandatory reporting period, the suspect's father fell ill in Tual City, Maluku. The suspect who heard it then left for Tual. There, the suspect again made 2 fake accounts with the victim's full name and photo.

"In Tual, the suspect re-uploaded the victim's pornographic photos and videos on the Facebook wall and the FB Story," he explained.

It didn't stop there, the suspect, who returned to Ambon in December 2021, also posted pornographic content belonging to the victim. The suspect's post was spread while marking five witnesses who were friends of the victim.

"And we started investigating the case after receiving the delegation of the victim's report from the Fakfak Police on December 20, 2021," added Roem.

After receiving the handover report, the case was then investigated. The suspect was eventually arrested while at his home.

The suspect was charged with Article 29 in conjunction with Article 4 paragraph (1) letter (d) and (e) RI Law No.44 of 2008 concerning Pornography and/or Article 45 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 27 paragraph (1) of Law No.19 of the Republic of Indonesia 2016 concerning amendments to Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) in conjunction with Article 64 of the Criminal Code.