His Intention Was Only To Steal Money, A Junior High School Student In Humbahas, North Sumatra, Killed His Grandmother Because His Actions Were Caught

MEDAN - Two 15-year-old junior high school students in Humbang Hasundutan (Humbahas) Regency, North Sumatra, are suspected of killing a grandmother named Roslinda Pasaribu (60). Both are now secured at the Humbahas Police Headquarters.

Humbahas Police Chief AKBP Achmad Muhaimin explained, apart from the 2 main perpetrators, the police also arrested a gold shop employee with the initials DL (23). He was arrested for being a collector of stolen goods.

AKBP Achmad explained that the murder took place on Friday, January 28. At first, the two perpetrators committed theft in the victim's house.

The two also shared their duties, a suspect entered the victim's house. Meanwhile, another actor is monitoring the situation.

"At that time, the victim was out of the house. That's when they shared their duties, some monitored people, and some took money," said AKBP Achmad, Wednesday, April 13.

However, when the perpetrator acted, suddenly the victim returned to his house through the front door. Knowing that, a perpetrator on duty entered the victim's house and hid in the bathroom.

"Shortly, the victim then went to the bathroom to wash the dishes. The perpetrators panicked and pushed the victim to the ground," he explained.

AKBP Achmad said, after pushing, the perpetrator also strangled the victim's neck until she was helpless. It did not stop there, the perpetrator then took a stone and then beat him. the victim's head twice.

"Initially the two perpetrators had no intention of committing murder, only wanted to steal the mother's money," he said.

After killing the victim, the perpetrator took the ring on the victim's finger. Then the money of Rp. 1.7 million in the wallet.

"Then the suspect left the house," he said.

The victim's family, suspicious of Roslinda's death, reported the incident to the Humbang Hasundutan Police.

The perpetrator who killed the victim was charged with Article 339 subsidiary Article 365 Paragraph 3 subsidiary Article 362 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 20 years in prison.

"However, in accordance with Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning Juvenile Justice, usually half or half of the maximum demands," he said.

Meanwhile, the suspect who was in charge of supervising the victim's house was charged with Articles 56 and 362 of the Criminal Code for helping and committing theft with a threat of 5 years in prison.

"Meanwhile, the suspect DL is subject to Article 480 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 4 years in prison," said AKBP Achmad.