Chandra Asri Owned By Conglomerate Prajogo Pangestu Targets 'Degree' Plastic Asphalt Of 100 Kilometers By 2023

JAKARTA - The petrochemical company owned by conglomerate Prajogo Pangestu, PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk (TPIA) continues the Asphalt Plastic circular economy program for Indonesia Asri. The company targets to be able to roll out plastic asphalt reaching 100 kilometers (km) by 2023.

Until December 2021, the company owned by the number 3 richest person in the country has rolled out 50.8 km of plastic asphalt spread in various locations in Indonesia in collaboration with various parties. The plastic asphalt uses a total of 37.5 million pieces of plastic waste; or equal to 282 tons of successfully managed waste from the final disposal site (TPA).

In an effort to achieve the target of the plastic asphalt event, in 2022 Chandra Asri will work with the Garut Regency Government and the Bakti Barito Foundation to build plastic asphalt roads on various roads in Garut until 2023 later. The implementation of plastic asphalt carried out in 2022 is 23 km long using 28.8 million pieces of plastic waste of the type of crackle bag or the equivalent of managing plastic waste from the landfill up to 216.6 tons.

Chandra Asri's Director of Legal, External Affairs & Circular Economy Edi Rivai explained that the Plastic Asphalt for Indonesia Asri is one of Chandra Asri's ESG implementations through a circular economy program to contribute to a cleaner environment.

"This program can be implemented because of the collaboration and participation of various stakeholders in dealing with waste problems, especially plastic waste," said Edi in a written statement, Wednesday, April 13.

As a growth partner, continued Edi, this plastic asphalt program is an effort to create more value in consistent and sustainable plastic waste management.

"Our experience is that the key to success in the plastic recycling ecosystem is starting from the mindset and changing the behavior of collecting segregated waste from the beginning of the generation of waste so that it can then produce low-cost and high-quality production," he explained.

The Plastic Asphalt Program for Indonesia Asri which has been implemented for 50.8 km is present in various cities such as Cilegon, Tegal, and Semarang. This is the result of Chandra Asri's collaboration with the local government.

In addition, Chandra Asri also holds plastic asphalt cooperation with educational institutions such as the University of Indonesia in Depok and Dian Nuswantoro University in Semarang.

In 2021, the company will also roll out plastic asphalt with private parties, namely PT Djarum and Sinar Mas Land. The provision of plastic waste for this program is generally carried out with associate partners, one of which is the Indonesian Plastic Recycling Association (ADUPI).