Ensure Safe Fuel On The 2022 Eid Homecoming Route, Reward Communication With PT Pertamina

CENTRAL JAVA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has established communication with PT Pertamina to ensure the safe stock of fuel oil (BBM) on the homecoming route. Especially in areas with a high volume of vehicles passing through alternative routes for going home.

"Earlier we talked with Pertamina to prepare fuel supply, including in areas that will later become congested and areas that will later become alternative routes, the modular is now prepared so that in an emergency it is really ready," said Ganjar in Semarang, Tuesday, April 12.

According to Ganjar, this is in line with the current policies or regulations that must be implemented in the field, such as the increase in the price of Pertamax, which has an impact on consumer migration to Pertalite, which has a fixed price.

Based on Pertamina's report, he said, there has been around five percent of consumer migration from Pertamax to Pertalite.

"Pertalite has become an idol for fuel, the price of Pertamax goes up while Pertalite remains, so many migrate to Pertalite. So we asked for socialization to the public that the availability is there, secured, and so on, including diesel," said the PDI-P politician.

This year's Eid homecoming is indeed a special concern for Ganjar Pranowo because public interest continues to increase based on three surveys conducted by the Ministry of Transportation from mid-February to the end of March 2022.

The first survey on February 14-28 2022, the potential for homecoming movement nationally as much as 20.3 percent or around 55 million people. This number increased in the second survey, March 9-21, 2022 or after the abolition of the antigen test requirement for travellers to 29.4 percent or 79.4 million people.

The next survey, 22-31 March 2022, and after being pushed by the announcement of the vaccine as a condition of travel, the potential for homecoming movement rose to 31 percent or 85.5 million people.

Ganjar said the Central Java Provincial Government had prepared a scenario for that because the highest distribution was, approximately 27.5% of homecomers to Central Java, 19.6% of East Java, and then to other provinces.

"It is estimated that there are 23.5 million people, so this is quite serious for us to prepare for the handling of travelers," he said.