VIDEO: Going Homecoming, Thousands Of Residents Are Willing To Stand In Long Lines For Vaccination

JAKARTA - This is how people queue to get a booster vaccine at GOR Otista, East Jakarta, Tuesday (12/4). The participants did a Booster because it was a condition for going home for Eid later. In addition to the requirements for Eid, residents also participate in the Boster vaccine to get free basic necessities in the form of 5 kilograms of rice and instant noodles and cooking oil. The types of booster vaccines given at this location are Astrazeneca and Pfizer. Booster vaccine activities at this location will be carried out for two days starting today Tuesday (12/4) and Wednesday (13/4) to help people who are going home for Eid and to help ease the burden on the community where the prices of basic necessities are increasing. Watch the video below.