Deputy Chairperson Of The People's Consultative Assembly Hopes The Government Can Manage Indonesia's Natural Resources And Human Resources

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat asked all parties to prioritize dialogue in overcoming the nation's problems so that they can move together to create a strong and sovereign Indonesian nation.

"A number of problems that arise and cause differences of opinion in the community should be resolved immediately through dialogue. This step is so that we, as a nation, can immediately build the country towards independence," said Lestari Moerdijat in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday, April 11.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, she continued, the world was looking for a new balance politically and economically. Indonesia, which has abundant human resources (HR) and natural resources (SDA), she added, must be able to utilize the two basic capitals towards national independence.

"Only a nation that is able to manage natural resources and produce superior human resources that is able to compete in the process of changing the world order at that time," she explained.

Therefore, he hopes that all differences of opinion that occur among the nation's children must be resolved immediately through good ways. This step is intended so that the Indonesian people can realize their common goals towards a united, sovereign, just, and prosperous nation.

"I hope that the stakeholders are able to build a constructive dialogue and adequate transparency so that the policies taken can be understood by the wider community," she said.

After Indonesia has faced various impacts of the pandemic in the last two years, he said, now is the time for all elements of the nation to unite and work together to rise.

This step is intended so that differences of opinion that occur in the community can be resolved immediately, so that Indonesia can mobilize all its resources and efforts to build independence for the sake of national sovereignty.