The Value Of The Demonstration Plan Rejecting Election Postponement Mistargeted, Sufmi Dasco: The Student's Demands Should Be On The DPR MPR

JAKARTA - The leader of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, considers that the demands of students who are going to hold demonstrations to ask President Joko Widodo to reject the postponement of the election are inappropriate. The reason is that the postponement of the election is just a discourse and is an effort outside the proper political or constitutional process. "So far, the discourse and movements for postponing the election or Pak Jokowi for three terms have been in the media and outside the parliament. The demands should have been addressed to the DPR and MPR, where the MPR includes the DPD and the DPR," Dasco told reporters, Sunday, April 10. Because, continued Dasco, if there is indeed a delay or extension of 3 periods, all political processes will be carried out in Senayan. "So it is not appropriate to ask Pak Jokowi to refuse. To be precise, the aspiration is submitted to parliament," he continued. The Gerindra politician said that so far he has refused to respond to the issue of the extension of the postponement of the election and Jokowi's three terms. Because, he said, the political process has not yet entered the parliament. "No single party has officially submitted the proposal to the DPR through the existing mechanism," said Dasco.
In fact, he added, the factions in the DPR have agreed with the KPU to continue to advance in the stages of the election which will be held on February 14, 2024. "We have determined the date, then the stages that will be carried out. When is the verification process, when is the logistics, when is it then voting. Those are all stages to be discussed in parliament," he said. Therefore, Dasco hopes that tomorrow's student demonstration can take place quietly. "We in the DPR are committed to then guard the door of democracy in Indonesia," he said.